Caterham School Museum

Caterham School Museum

Do you still have that iconic shirt from your school sporting days stashed away somewhere? Well, dust it off because we need your help!

In line with our ongoing efforts to create an archive of the school’s storied history, we are looking for OCs to lend items significant to the school’s history to a museum project in early July.

We’re on the hunt for items that scream ‘school spirit’! Whether it’s your old uniform, those report books filled with memories, workbooks brimming with knowledge, gleaming trophies, or even your trusty sports kit that’s seen its fair share of battles on the field – we want them all!

But wait, there’s more! We’re not just after physical artifacts. We want to hear your stories, the ones that make our school’s history come alive! Whether you graduated years ago or just recently bid farewell to these hallowed halls, your tales are the heart and soul of our legacy. If you would be willing to visit the museum and share your stories alongside your item please let us know below.

We are looking for the following items:

  • Uniform
  • Report books
  • Workbooks
  • Trophies/Awards
  • Sports Kit
  • CCF kit
  • Any items that tell of the involvement with war efforts

The museum will be held at the school and all items will be labelled and kept safe on site. All items will be returned to you once the museum has finished.


Ready to be a part of something truly special? – Simply fill out the form below with all the details about your items. We’ll then be in contact to arrange a time for you to drop off your items at the school.

Caterham School Museum

Would you be happy to come in and speak about your item at the museum?(Required)

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