Interactive Parent Handbook TEST

Interactive Parent Handbook TEST

Any questions?

If you have any questions about routines, uniform, times of day or any other aspect of school life at Caterham school, please ask our interactive Parent Handbook, powered by ChatPDF. Our AI chatbot will answer most questions in seconds and direct you to the correct page of the Parent Handbook to confirm the answer. Please be aware that it can sometimes make mistakes (nobody’s perfect), so do check the link to be absolutely sure.

Top Tip: If you find that the information on the page does not seem to match the answer, scroll to the side or zoom out, as the answer may sometimes be at the side of the page. We are working with the developers to correct the scaling in an upcoming update.

This page is a test so please provide us with any feedback (or questions) via this short survey. We are working closely with the developers, who will be rolling out further improvements and refinements over the coming weeks and months.

Please click this link to launch the Handbook: Parent Handbook (Caterham school)

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