Lower Sixth Biologists Off to Harvard

Lower Sixth Biologists Off to Harvard

Harvard, one of the world’s most famous universities is offering an extraordinary range of online courses over the summer run by their Biology faculty. 

Not only is this a great way to pursue their own interests in different areas of Biology, it is an unbelievable opportunity to be taught by scientists at such a famous University.  

Many of the current Lower Sixth Biologists have already engaged including Susana L who has signed up for ‘Fundamentals of Neuroscience’ and Ben VA who is taking on Bioethics: Medicine Reproductive Technologies and Genetics. 

Venus H is investigating Case Studies in Functional Genomics and Amelia D the course on Anatomy.  Meanwhile Alex R, our newly appointed President of the Moncrieff-Jones Society, has finished Havard’s course on Malaria, is ‘virtually’ off to Berkley University in California for an online course in Data Science – a course for sure that highlights an area of Biology growing ever more important – maths. 

‘It is never too late to learn’ says Mr Quinton, Head of Science who last year took Spanish GCSE and A level, having never spoken or studied one word of Spanish prior to the 2017 Biology trip to Honduras.   If there are any parents out there just wishing they had studied Biology then dont hesitate to email: [email protected].uk and he will be happy to send you a list of links to online courses….go on, you know you want to! 

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