Celebrating Diversity and Challenging Racism

Celebrating Diversity and Challenging Racism

Celebrating diversity and challenging racism remain high priorities focus at Caterham School. In recent weeks, we have been building on the events organised by staff and pupils for Black History Month and exploring ways we can grow our inclusive culture beyond our wellbeing curriculum. 

We are delighted to be working with Flair, an experienced research company, to conduct an independent review of our pupils’ understanding and experiences of racism.   Over the last fortnight all pupils have been invited to complete a brief, anonymous survey, exploring their experiences within school and their understanding of issues that affect our global community.   Feedback from pupils has been extremely positive and has provided an important starting point for further reflection.  Flair will continue to work with Caterham School, analysing collected data and supporting us in finding ways to use the feedback constructively to develop our curriculum, pastoral support and co-curricular provision. 

Our Sixth Form led BAME Community group is now open to all years.  Any pupils interested in being a part of this group should contact Mrs Fahey and if parents would like to share experiences or information that would support this please email [email protected]

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