E-Safety Talk with Lorin La Fave

E-Safety Talk with Lorin La Fave

On Monday 6 February, we will welcome Lorin La Fave to the School. Lorin’s first-hand experience of the potential dangers posed by internet use are harrowing.   Her son Breck, who studied at Caterham for two years before a family move, was groomed online by a ‘friend of a friend’, isolated from his real friends and cruelly murdered in February 2014 aged 14.  Since then, Lorin has founded the Breck Foundation, a charity supported by Caterham School, with the mission of educating children and parents about the issues.

Not only an engaging speaker and a friend of the School, Lorin is a remarkable inspiration for parents wanting to help guide their children through these socially tough years.   We strongly encourage as many parents as possible to attend the talk designed for them at 4.15pm in the Rudd Hall. Lorin will be talking to all First to Fourth pupils in the Senior School in the afternoon, but the parental talk is open to all parents from Pre-Prep through to Upper Sixth. 

The Prep School Prep Club facility will be extended to accommodate pupils on this occasion. If you are unable to make the 4.15pm talk, and there is sufficient interest in a 6.30pm talk, Lorin has kindly agreed to run two sessions. 

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