3 Great Uses For Apple Classroom
Apple Classroom is one of Apple’s best interventions on the educational scene for some time. It allows you, the teacher to see what you pupils are doing, in real time, whilst they are sat in front of you, but it can do much more than that. Here are a few ideas of how you might leverage it further:
1: Beginner
Speed up the process of sharing pupil work by using the AirPlay feature within the app. This means you can tap on a pupil’s iPad from within your dashboard and then select AirPlay from the options menu which appears. This is a far more streamlined process than getting pupils to AirPlay one at a time with all the slow-down this causes as one logs off and the next logs on.
2: Intermediate
Share resources quickly to a whole group. It is incredibly easy to quickly send the same content to a class by using the AirDrop feature. This is particularly effective with sharing web content, which is actually done outside of the app. From within safari, simple tap the ‘share’ button and you will automatically see all of your Apple Classroom classes appear as available to AirDrop – by selecting the class in front of you, they will immediately see their iPad open safari and then load the page you have sent them.
3: Advanced
Differentiation through Apple Classroom: Within the class, you are able to create sub-groups. These groups can then be sent materials discreetly and independently of the main class, thus allowing you to quickly and easily send different resources or work to different groups within your class, whilst still be able to have an overview of what everyone is doing. Crucially, groups can be changed/edited/deleted at any time.
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