Positive Impacts Across the Globe

Positive Impacts Across the Globe

As you may remember, our First Year pupils spent some time this term at Sal’s Shoes warehouse volunteering for the charity by sorting shoes, Caterham school kit, fancy dress (donated from the PA Swap Shop in September) and wrapping Christmas presents ready to be sent around the UK and across the world to those who most needed them.

Just under 5000 miles away in Accra, Ghana, Caterham kit, itemised, sorted and packed by our pupils is now back on the sports pitch where it belongs.  Smaller sized school shoes have now gone back to school there as well.  Many pairs of school shoes donated by the Caterham community are also on their way to our partner school in Lerang’Wa, Tanzania and we look forward to seeing them find their new feet.

Theodora is at school in Ghana and about two months ago she was accidentally hit in the eye, which caused her to start to lose her vision. During an operation to fix her eye doctors unfortunately discovered cancer.  Theodora now has chemotherapy and radiotherapy to try and treat the cancer.  Theodora chose to go to her appointment in her Clemie’s Clothes ballgown.  One of the many gifts that our pupils wrapped has also made it to Theodora who now, thanks to Spread Some Sunshine, has a new Barbie to accompany her during her treatment.  This story is just one of so many ways that Sal’s Shoes positively impacts the lives of people across the globe, and Caterham School is proud to support the charity.

This week, First Year pupils have been designing half of pairs white plimsol shoes, which will make their way to Ghana after Christmas.  Once received, children there will be decorating the other half of the shoes thereby creating a link between the children.  To raise the money to send them off our pupils have been fundraising by selling clothes, baking cakes, litter picking and, next week, washing staff cars!  We are looking forward to welcoming our First Year parents to an exhibition of our work with Sal’s Shoes in EDGE on Tuesday 5 December from 5pm-6pm to learn about this fantastic project.

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