South Regional French Debating Competition

South Regional French Debating Competition

In the heart of the South Central/East Region, a spirited debate unfolded as Sixth Form pupils from various schools converged to showcase their linguistic prowess at the 2024 French Debating Competition. With motions ranging from the controversial “Le baccalauréat anglais est une bonne idée” (Is the English Baccalaureate a good idea?) to the thought-provoking “Le mariage ne sert à rien” (Is marriage pointless?), and the culturally significant “Il faut censurer la frange la plus extrême de la musique rap et hip-hop” (Should the most extreme fringe of rap and hip-hop music be censored?), these young debaters tackled complex issues with eloquence and conviction. The competition served as a platform for students to not only showcase their linguistic abilities but also to delve into critical thinking, cultural awareness, and persuasive argumentation. As the rounds progressed, it became evident that our sixth formers were not just fluent in French, but adept at articulating their viewpoints with clarity and conviction. Each argument was crafted with precision, supported by evidence, and delivered with unwavering confidence. Judges were captivated by the depth of analysis and the maturity of thought displayed. They demonstrated resilience in the face of challenging topics, adapting their arguments with agility and flair. Their journey from nervous novices to confident debaters was a testament to their dedication and hard work. In the end, while only a few could emerge as champions, every participant walked away with invaluable lessons in communication, empathy, and the art of persuasion and all of that in French!  Bravo!

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