Darwin Society Launch

Darwin Society Launch

On Monday, the Biology department launched The Darwin Society, a club designed to stretch A Level students with a series of university level lectures. Each lecture is delivered by an Upper Sixth pupil with a particular interest in the topic, with the aim to share our collective love of Biology, but at undergraduate degree level . Be it biochemistry, neuroscience, or medicine, it is a great opportunity for Lower Sixth pupils to hear from some of the most passionate members of the year above. 

Since the Lower Sixth pupils have been learning about cells this week Chelsea introduced us to the higher cell structure, focusing on the cytoskeleton. In her presentation, Chelsea discussed microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments, explaining their roles in cell division and cell motility.  Mr Quinton enthused what a pleasure it was to see so many pupils engaging in cutting edge biology that goes completely beyond the spec. 

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