John Humphrys – CSS Bonarjee Lecture

John Humphrys – CSS Bonarjee Lecture

Legendary broadcaster John Humphrys was the guest speaker for the 2019/20 CSS Bonarjee Lecture held in a packed Humphries Theatre. The annual event triumphs free speech, free media and democracy and is held in memory of Old Caterhamian Stephen Bonarjee who established Radio 4’s Today programme in the 1950s and is known as ‘the father of modern radio’.  Stephen was also a supporter of the school throughout his life.



With surprising impressions of the Queen and Margaret Thatcher combined with insightful and amusing anecdotes from decades of interviewing global leaders, John Humphrys entertained his audience for well over an hour before signing copies of his latest book. 

We were delighted to welcome guests from several local schools, including a large party from Oxted School in addition to our own Sixth Form pupils, parents and Old Caterhamians who supported the evening.

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