Ways to Thrive

Ways to Thrive

With the Summer Term and virtual schooling now well underway the co-curricular programme has been released. The programme includes new opportunities and the chance to develop brand new skills.  

Two of the ways in which we can thrive during these times are by connecting and by being active; there are opportunities within the Summer Term co-curricular timetable for pupils to do both of these things. We are keen too that pupils should continue to develop their passions and to explore their subjects beyond the classroom.  

The co-curricular timetable (CLICK HERE TO VIEW) lists the activities available each day, alongside the name of the staff member(s) leading the activity and, where appropriate, the Google Meet code required to join the group. Unless otherwise stated, activities will take place during the 3.45-4.30pm slot on the day specified. The timetable indicates the year groups to which the various activities are open; where an activity is “by invitation”, or there is no Google Meet code assigned, pupils involved will be given information individually by the relevant member of staff. The information in the timetable will also be posted on the school website. 

Do remember also that a range of activities and enrichment videos for all the family, not just pupils, are posted at https://www.caterhamschool.co.uk/connected/ and you can also find relevant posts on social media by following the hastag: #caterhamconnected  

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