Table Tennis Hit – thanks to our PA!

Parents’ Association Category

Table Tennis Hit – thanks to our PA!

A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association for providing an outdoor Table Tennis table for Eothen Courtyard. It...

The Yurt is Up!

Huge thanks to our Parents’ Association who is delighted to support the purchase, last year, of a Yurt for...

Sal’s Shoes Founder CJ Bowry Awarded OBE

Huge and well-deserved congratulations to Sal’s Shoes founder and mum to Sal (Third Year) and Clemmie (Year 6) CJ...

Positive Impacts Across the Globe

As you may remember, our First Year pupils spent some time this term at Sal’s Shoes warehouse volunteering for...

The Make Way Foundation Launched at Super Hero Triathlon

Over the summer break, Archie, Olly, my parents, Toby and I went to Dorney lake for the SUPERHERO TRI....

PA Christmas Dinner Dance Tickets Live

Inspired by Henry and Archie’s efforts and the Bryant family’s new charity, we are delighted to announce that the...

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