

Care and support for each other lies at the core of Caterham School. We are one of just a few UK schools which dedicates weekly timetabled lessons to a range of wellbeing topics.

Caterham School recognises the crucial role that individual wellbeing plays in allowing our pupils to thrive and succeed.  Over their time at Caterham School they will have timetabled lessons specifically focussing on supporting, promoting and improving their wellbeing; we aspire for all our pupils to be mentally and physically healthy, have a sense of their spirituality, to have the necessary awareness to make healthy decisions, to engage positively with the community and be ready for the future.


Initiatives such as School Council, Digital Council, Study Buddy and proactive pastoral discussion groups are centre stage in school life here. Within structures such as these our pupils find their voice and develop skills that will last a lifetime.

We believe that by teaching pupils to be emotionally literate, we are equipping them with the skills necessary to navigate adolescence and the transition into adulthood.

Our pastoral motto is ‘We are all in this together’ and we put much emphasis on the importance of looking after one another in our community.

We cover a huge range of things in wellbeing lessons, covered by five strands: Health, Readiness, Awareness, Community and Spirituality. 


Fifth Year Show Spirit

The Fifth Year pupils and Tutor Team gathered for a wonderful celebration assembly of this fantastic year group who...

Wellbeing: Dick Moore Session for Parents

Good humour, openness and a genuine passion for young people’s mental health shone through at Dick Moore’s wellbeing talk...


A very successful first clean-up around the school was undertaken this week by the Green Committee. Pupils from various year...

New Wellbeing Initiative for Sixth Form pupils

A new series of voluntary wellbeing lunchtime sessions have been put in place in response to Sixth Form feedback,...

UK Leading Wellbeing

Caterham’s innovative and sector leading approach to Wellbeing has been recognised once again, this time through recognising the contribution...

Building Resilience in Young People

Building resilience is a key life skill which helps young people to be able to cope with the challenges and difficulties they...

Internet Safety: Where to find reliable information

In February, PC Sarah Adams, our Schools Liaison Officer gave assemblies to pupils in 1st to 5th years about...

How do we measure Wellbeing in schools?

It is heartening to see an ever-growing range of institutions fully recognise the importance of wellbeing and mental health...

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