Celebrating diversity and challenging racism

Celebrating diversity and challenging racism

Celebrating diversity, promoting inclusion and challenging racism remains an important focus at Caterham School.   Last year we conducted an audit of our whole school community through an external, specialist organisation – Flair.  The survey is anonymous and supports us in obtaining an independent perspective on understanding and experiences of racism.   The questions provide an opportunity for students and staff to reflect on their views and experiences related to race while at school. The responses will give us a better idea of student and staff experiences and help us to understand in which areas we can improve.

Last year, the results were positive and gave us useful insights into how we can further celebrate and value diversity.    

This week we have repeated the survey, seeking to assess the impact of new initiatives and additions to our curriculum.   To support the survey, pupils will explore aspects of identity more broadly within  Wellbeing lessons this week and their understanding of issues that affect our global community.   Feedback from pupils has been extremely positive and has provided an important starting point for further reflection. 

Flair will continue to work with Caterham School, analysing collected data and supporting us in finding ways to use the feedback constructively to develop our curriculum, pastoral support and co-curricular provision. 

Our Caterham Voice for Change groups actively promote diversity and inclusion across all aspects of school, organising awareness raising events and resources, as well as leading assemblies.   Any pupils interested in being a part of this group should email Mrs Fahey.

We are really keen to extend our work around diversity and inclusion, so please contact me by email if you would like to share experiences or information that would support this. 

[email protected]

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