Checkpoint Charlie CSS Spring Lecture

Checkpoint Charlie CSS Spring Lecture

Poignant personal stories were interwoven with key points in Cold War history as Iain MacGregor, author of Checkpoint Charlie, gave our Caterham School Society spring lecture.

The audience spanned A Level and GCSE pupils studying this era in the classroom to those of us familiar with the Berlin Wall and Checkpoint Charlie from daily news bulletins – and was introduced by former Caterham bursar Brigadier John King MBE who recalled his service in East Germany.

Published to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Iain’s book Checkpoint Charlie is a vivid and poignant exploration of the history through the lens of interwoven first-person experiences. In a fascinating lecture, Iain talked through the key events and people that populate his book and who were connected on every front to the Berlin Wall and a segregated city from recent European history.

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