Going for Gold
Despite the current pandemic putting a halt on all DofE expeditions in 2020 many participants have been continuing to work hard on their individual DofE Awards. I am proud to announce that in the past 12 months there have been 38 Silver Awards and three Bronze Awards presented. Special mention needs to go to the four Gold Award pupils who worked tirelessly to complete their challenging award this year in very tough conditions: Well done to William S, Laura C, Imogen R and Holly G. We are also seeing many Fifth Year pupils, who have been unable to complete their full awards, starting to receive their ‘Certificates of Achievement’; this requires participants to complete all aspects of their award except the expedition section.
2021 is set to be a bumper year for DofE as we have record registrations for both Gold (27) and Silver (112). Well done to all pupils involved in the Award, and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
Ben Wilkinson