Ready & Inspired 5th and Sixth Form

Ready & Inspired 5th and Sixth Form

Across the last two weeks the Fifth Year Inspire course has been engaging Fifth Year pupils both in Academic sessions, whetting their appetite for their A Level studies, and being involved in a wide variety of workshops and activities. They have taken part in our Inter-Form Quiz, Football, Tennis and Uno alongside workshops in Gender Equality and Activism! One Form’s idea for activism following an insightful talk from Rory Moore was to set up connections between pupils and the elderly in Caterham using a ‘dating style’ set up to match interest and form friendships to improve mental health of all involved!

This afternoon we had a treat from Chartwell’s our catering service to demonstrate a couple of dishes for the pupils to taste which were simply delicious. It’s been a great opportunity to do a wide range of fun activities with the year group who have missed out on much across the school year.

Upper Sixth Form pupils welcomed four Old Cats (Uliana, Jaiden, Imogan and Karen) who led a Readiness session for all pupils who will study psychology at uni next year.

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